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Friday, September 2, 2011

Nine Months!

Sweet Barrett - How can it be that you are NINE months old already? It seems like only yesterday that you first arrived, but it also seems like you have been with us forever. You are the sweetest, happiest baby and so full of life!! We have had so much fun getting to know you better and learning all about your little personality. With each passing month, it seems that you are growing by leaps and bounds and we just have more fun with you all the time. We are all learning to balance the daily duties of life - work, daycare, and family time - and get better with each passing month. Your daddy and I love the time that the three of us can spend together and just cherish each precious moment with you.

You are definitely a baby on the move!! From the time you wake up in the morning until bedtime, you are moving around almost everywhere that you want to go. We have to watch you pretty closely because you like to pick up little bits of anything you find on the floor - fuzz, crumbs, or other miscellaneous items - and try to discover what they are by putting them in your mouth. They have nicknamed you "Hoover" at daycare because of your ability to find the smallest things! We like to think that those are your budding surgical skills. :)

We have also found that you are quite the charmer. Those big blue eyes and your big smile seem to captivate friends and strangers alike. You are waving now, and make friends almost everywhere we go. All of the teachers at daycare (even the ones in the older classrooms) know your name and just love you! We think you are pretty special, but it is wonderful to know that you are so loved.

This has been such a fun month and we know it will just keep getting better!!! We love you sweet Barrett and are so blessed to watch you change and grow.

Mommy and Daddy

Here are a few other tidbits just for our memory:

- You are wearing 6-9 month clothes and almost ready to transition to the next size! You wear a size 3 diaper.
- Crawling and pulling up to standing are both skills you have perfected this month.
- You are also cruising around the house by holding on to the couch or different tables and getting a little too brave! Sometimes you forget that you need to hold on and let go - I guess this is practice for really walking.
- Your "words" for this month are "dadadada" "mamamama" and "babababa" - you are "talking" up a storm and we wish that we could translate what you are saying!
- Grammy taught you to say Uh-Oh while she was here and it is so funny to hear you say it!
- Sleeping has been SOoooo much better! You are waking up either once or twice a night - usually 3 or 4 a.m. and then sleeping again until almost 7 a.m. We are almost there!!
- Naptime is also MUCH better - you take a short morning nap (30 minutes) and then a longer afternoon nap (1-2 hours) We are getting there little champ!!
- You also LOVE to eat. We have had many new foods this month - cereal bar, noodles, Menchie's (your fave), cheese, whole green beans, and bread - you are still nursing between 5 -7 times daily and eat some pureed baby food in between, but crunchies and puffs are definitely your favorite. I call you my little puff monster!
- People and people watching are some of your favorite activities. You do just LOVE your Daddy!! You have also become a little more attached to Mommy and get a little sad when I leave you at daycare. (It makes me so sad to leave you, but I know that you love your friends and your teachers too)
- The mornings with you are just so sweet. You are pretty happy when you wake up and a very snuggly little guy. You give away sweet kisses in the morning right after you wake up. I love it!!
- Playtime is just so much fun! You love playing with all of your toys, and your favorites this month are your racecar, your new singing stage, the stacking cups, Maddie's mailbox and kitchen, the little singing books - but most of all BOOKS!! We are so glad that you love reading with us. The Sandra Boynton books are your very favorite - especially Barnyard Dance!
- Your nicknames are BB, Little Dude, Mister Man, Little Handsome and many others
- Happy Nine Months Barrett - We Love you!!

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