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Friday, October 28, 2011

Eleven Months

Can it be true? Has it really been eleven months? In some ways, I feel like the year has quickly passed us by, but in others feel like you have been a part of our family forever. Sweet boy, every day is a joy and an adventure with you in our lives!! Here is what you have been up to lately.

- You wear a size 12 months in most of your clothes and can still fit in some of the larger 6-12 month outfits and wear a size 4 shoe (although you would rather pull them off to play!) and a size 3 diaper
- Sleeping has been your latest great accomplishment!! You sleep from 7:30-8:30 p.m. to around 5:30 a.m., but we don't get you out of bed until 6:00. You are doing so well sweet boy!
- Naptime is still pretty tough for you, because you are so curious about everything else and refuse to miss something. You sometimes catch a 30 minute morning nap and anywhere from 30 minute to 1 hour nap in the afternoon.
- You have six teeth - four on the top and two on the bottom
- You are still nursing about four times a day and eating lots of solid foods with breakfast, lunch, dinner and snack
- Some of your favorite foods are spaghetti, oatmeal, pears, peaches, cereal bars, GRAHAM CRACKERS, peas and yogurt
- We have started to give you some vanilla soymilk and you LOVE it!!
- You are the most active, little social bug and LOVE to be around people and chat with them. Strangers are not really strangers to you, as you make friends very quickly and easily. You really enjoy reaching out for people and waving hi - especially to little kids who are your size and older.
- Some of your new "tricks" are the Itsy Bitsy Spider song, saying "no", and holding on to our hands to try and "walk" everywhere
- You can wave hi and bye-bye, point, and say all kinds of things - Mama, Dada, Dog, Uh-Oh, No, and several other words that we don't yet understand.
- You definitely make it a point to let your thoughts be known with a shout and a "Da!"
- Reading books is still one of your favorite activities. Llama, Llama Red Pajama is one of your favorites this month, as well as any book with animals.

It has been so much fun to watch you blossom and grow this month! You are such a wonderful blessing to us and to others around you. We are so thankful that God has entrusted us with you and pray each day that you will fulfill the plans that He has for you. Happy 11 months sweet Barrett. Your Daddy and I love you SO much!!


  1. Hi Lauren!
    I've been meaning to stop in to say hi for a while. Glad you found my blog! When I saw your comment last month, I immediately asked Brett if he knew Ryan, and of course he did. :) Looks like residency is going well for you guys in TN. And Barrett is an absolute DOLL! Aren't boys the best?
    I'm trying to get caught up with blogs, so I'll add you too my reader and look forward to getting to know your cute family better! :)

  2. Hi!! I am SO behind on my blogging! Boys ARE the best!! Yours are just precious! Hope you guys have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
