Sweet Barrett, you are Three Months Old!!
- You are a happy, healthy baby who loves to laugh and play
- You eat 7-8 times a day or about every 2.5 to 3 hours and 1-2 times during the night (I think it must be your three month growth spurt)
- Sleeping is a little more difficult for you this month - you are waking up a little more often than you did last month, but we think you must be growing!
- We moved you into your crib right after you turned 12 weeks old - it was hard to do, but you were outgrowing your bassinet, so we had to make you more comfortable
- You wear a size 1-2 diaper and some 0-3 month clothes, but are quickly moving into 3-6 month clothes
- Naptime is your least favorite time of day, so we try hard to squeeze those in when we can
- The playgym and your "guys" are some of your favorite things - it is especially cute when you grab the monkey AND the giraffe and try to fit them both into your mouth!
- You have recently found both of your hands and love to try and fit them into your mouth too
- Your other favorite toys are Mr. Elephant - because he is so soft, your ball, and Sophie Giraffe
- Bath time is one of your favorite times of day - you get so relaxed and love to have both Mommy and Daddy right where you want them
- Daddy is one of your favorite people - you think he is so hilarious!
- Your smile and your laugh are just so precious - they make us melt!
- Your nicknames are "Little Dude" "Mr. Man" "BB" "Bear" or "Bear Bear" and "Mr. Barrett"
Sweet boy, we love you so much and are so grateful for every single day with you. We are truly blessed and can't wait to see all that God has in store for you. You truly are a joy! Happy Three Months little guy!